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Contour Your Body By


Unwanted Fat Away


MediCel CoolSlimming Promo

CoolSlimming 360° Machine State of the Art Technology

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Our CoolSlimming 360° Technology Fat Freezing procedure is safe, requires absolutely no down time and can be done in as little time as it takes to have lunch!

Treatments are quick, pain free and there is no recovery time making this a perfect alternative to traditional invasive liposuction surgery.

Our Revolutionary CoolSlimming Machine comes with 4 handles that can be used simultaneously to treat 4 areas at once.

Each treatment could remove up to 40% of fat cells, once they are gone,  they are gone permanently.


Benefits Of The Futuristic CoolSlimming 360° Machine

  • Up to 40% fat cell reduction per cycle

  • Safe, No Pain and Non Invasive

  • Treats stubborn areas of fat with no downtime

  • Able to treat 4 areas at once

  • <1 hour Treatment Time for 1-4 Areas

  • Mini Applicator for under the Chin

  • 360° Applicators

  • Permanent Fat Removal

How It Works

Subcutaneous fat sits under the skin, as opposed to visceral fat which surrounds the organs. Everyone has some subcutaneous fat, and that’s the fat CoolSlimming is designed to freeze and destroy. CoolSlimming Fat Freezing uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target and destroy fat cells, without harming the surrounding tissues and nerves.

During a CoolSlimming Fat Freezing treatment, a gel pad and applicator is applied to the treatment area.

Controlled cooling is safely delivered to the targeted fat.
The fat cells are frozen at a temperature between 0 to -11 depending on the amount of fat. When the fat cells are frozen to the point of damage they die and never come back.

Once the treated fat cells are crystalised, over the next 3-12 weeks they are naturally processed and eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

Once the fat cells are removed they are gone permanently!

MediCel CoolSlimming Promo

CoolSlimming 360° Machine Features

CoolSlimming 360 Fat Freezing Handpiece.

Body Applicators

​CoolSlimming Applicators attach to the hand pieces with ease and are interchangeable to allow multiple areas to be treated at once.

They are designed to fit all parts of the body.

The Large Curved Contour is for large areas such as the flanks.

The Medium Curved Contour is for great for the upper and lower abdomen areas.

The Small Curved Contour is perfect for the inner and outer thigh areas.

The Freeze Mini Applicator

​The CoolSlimming Freeze Mini Applicator is specifically designed to target small volumes of fatty build-up that can be difficult to eliminate.


​The Freeze Mini applicator’s unique shape, size and curvature make it ideal for safely targeting delicate, hard-to-reach accumulations of fat.

The most popular part of the body with the mini applicator is under the chin.

All it takes is 20 minutes to freeze fat away permanently under the chin.

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State Of The Art Technology

CoolSlimming Machine


Our CoolSlimming 360° Machine is our very latest technology. The 360° handles cuts down treatment time as the maximum area of tissue can be treated.

The new design provides 360° refrigeration which means more tissue can be treated than other machines with just 2 cooling plates. 


Our CoolSlimming technology enables 4 Cryo applicators to function at one time giving you the ability to treat 4 target areas simultaneously or to treat 2 clients at once. The huge benefit of this is it cuts treatment time in two compared to standard duo technology making it a huge revenue generator for any salon or clinic.

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